Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Non-Vowelled Lam

Non-Vowelled Lam

*- The non-vowelled laams mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are limited to three types.
These are: The
Laam of the definite article, i.e ( ال ) aliflaam The laam of the verb (الفعل لام) and the laam of the particle
(الحرف لام) 
. 1/ Definite Lam: The laam of al ( ال ) is the laam of the definite article, prefixed to nouns; they are added to the structure of the word; in other words, whether the word can stand without the alif laam e.g. al - ard ( الأرض ) or it cannot as in e.g. Alladhina ( الذين ) then the addition of al - ( ال ) is necessary, that it is to say that the word cannot stand without the alif laam.

In this type, it is given a compulsory assimilation, if it is followed by a
laam as in for example ( الذي ). And compulsory manifestation If it is followed by a yaa ( ى ) or a hamzah for example, ( والْيسع) (الْأن ).

Qamariyah: The moon [manifest] laam (qamariyyah) ( اللام القمرية ) is related to fourteen letters grouped in the phrase of: (أبغ حجك وحف عقيمه). The rule of the moon laam is manifestation (Iz-haar). The reason is the distance between the point of articulation of the laam and that of these fourteen letters.

Shamsiyah: The sun [unmanifest] laam (laam shamsiyyah) especially occurs with fourteen letters They are grouped together in the initial letters of the words of this line of Poem : طِبْ ثُمَّ صِلْ رَحِمًا تَفُزْ ضِفْ ذَا نِعَمِ ، دَعْ سُوءَ ظَنٍّ ، زُرْ شَرِيفًا للكرمThe rule of the sun laam is pronunciation with assimilation; the reason for the idghaam is the similarity ( تماثل ) with the laam and the proximity with the rest of the letters.

2/Verbal Lam: The
laam of the verb (لام الفعل ) is the non-vowelled laam (laam saakinah) which occurs in the verb whether the verb is in the past or, present or is an imperative and in any position (initial, medial or final).

2-a/Assimilation: When the
laam of the verb is followed by a raa or a laam then the rule is pronunciation with absolute assimilation (tudgham mutlaqan).

2-b/Manifestation: The
laam of the verb is pronounced with manifestation [Iz-haar] when it is followed by any of the letters of the alphabet except the raa and the laam.

3/Particle Lam: It is the non-
vowelled laam which occurs in a particle as in hal ( هَلْ ) bal ( بَل ).It occurs in no other place.

3-a/Assimilation: The '
laam' of the preposition is assimilated when it is followed by a 'raa' or a 'laam' except in 'bal ran' where the rule is manifestation because of the compulsory pause which prevents assimilation.

3-b/Manifestation: The particle
laam is manifested (tuzhar) if it is followed by any of the letters of the alphabet except for the raa and the laam.

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