Monday, 3 March 2014


TRANSFORMATION huffaz : WHERE the point of writing

Originally a student you open the book on a daily basis and rarely open the song and read the Koran. Even if there may be memorizing verses that must be memorized for the exam . Originally you learn in the morning , afternoon sports , homework at night, and in turn is connected to watch tv and relax .

Now you have to go through a TRANSFORMATION in all aspects of your life . Of course you are also changing your daily routine . If ever you rarely or never Koran, now every day you have to reach out and read it. If before you go to bed at 22HRS and get up at 0600HRS, maybe you have to change and get used to sleeping and waking hours 0100hrs to 0430hrs. These are the changes that you MUST go through, and I will discuss it in more detail next series , insha'Allah.

All things that are important , and many of these amateur huffaz can not wait to get the exposure. But before that I want to mention something that is more important for a start to memorize the Quran . Note: not intentionally specializes in ' the beginning ' , so it should also be dimuhasabah together for ' long ' . This is very important as a starting point for the success of a memorizer of the Quran.


Knowledge is not to memorize the Quran in no small knowledge , therefore it will not be a friend unless he is eligible . Not no small successful people become hafiz of masyi , and not in no small successful people practice the contents of the Koran at the end of the Message . It all stems from the accurate preparation and continuing care taboos .

The first preparation :

Improper for those who wish to memorize the Quran correct and fix the real INTENTIONS original purpose to memorize the Quran . Have to get the name ? To receive credit ? Or right to keep the word of God in their hearts.

The second setup :

Empty most of the time from worldly affairs. I mention this as one of the preparation , because not everyone can afford to put in a focused manner to forget Quran keduniaanya business . Good mental preparation is so vital for a Quran memorizer reach maximum concentration at memorizing .

The third setup :

Fluency mention letters, master the basic laws of Tajweed with a little basic knowledge tahfiz understanding of the Quran. Usually can be found through the book . I also listed as one of the setup, because I fear that a Quran memorizer that has no basis Tajweed and fluency mention multiple characters will encounter difficulty in starting the process of memorizing . Preferably it worked out in the early stages through primer tajwid knowledge and so on.

Fourth preparation :

Having an own Qur'an regularly , wrapped in a neat and maintained. Pray that mashaf Qur'an is the first and last to themselves. Avoid changing the Mushaf mashaf whim or borrow someone else's .

Preparation fifth

Istiqamah in a madrasa or a class tahfiz and also had a Qur'an teacher who fixed it for you. Avoid turning or changing school teacher tahfiz tasmi ' you .

Preparation sixth :

Good physical health , mental stability. Thus the practice work out consistently and regularly. Avoid contracted any disease. Good bodily health is the most important element of a memorizer of the Quran.

Preparation seventh :

Getting approval from teachers and parents. Prepared especially mentally and feeling to be away with family and ' beruzlah ' in madrassas . Usually I see among sisters or banat still hard to forget family and focuses on life in the madrasa . This is despite the trivial but greatly affects your memorization will come , that is when you can not get to sit at the madrasa and often wanted to go home .

SOME taboo

first :

Disobey their parents or rude to teachers. During start to memorize the Quran before, teachers tasmi ' I was the man I most respect, awe and affection . Refrain from gossip guru even just talk about herself , but plenty for advice and raise ' izzah teacher.

second :

Quarrel or conflict . Avoid contact with the enemy or grudge with anyone while you're at fatrah started memorizing the Quran . This enmity is a question involving the liver . Whenever despondent hearts and chaotic , you focus on memorizing also be destroyed . So hasten to forgiveness and reconciliation.

third :

Watching a porn movie. My speakers during orientation week mengistilahkannya as ' look I wore the cow . I need not elaborate more in , but it is sufficient to read the word of God :

" Not God created for a man two hearts in a cavity "

And the Sunna of the Prophet s.a.w :

" In the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it's good, then let the whole body , when it is bad then evil is all body , know that it is the HEART "

Another hadith says:

" When the child of Adam commit sins then a black dot will stick to his heart , and a black dot that can only be washed with the remembrance of Allah "


Lots of sleep , lots of play . I listed this as a taboo for the memorizer of the Quran. Sleep is for rest and gain energy . But if excessive sleep makes the body tired and lazy brain . Similarly, play or sport. It's great for physical fitness , which is a continuation of one's intelligence and wit . But when too much will cause fatigue in the body and result in easy slumber . Sometimes it also cause injury to certain members .


Eat syubhah and illegal . Actually I mention enough about syubhah , because that will ban illegal has been informed . Things syubhah is dubious about halal greed , and doubt about the source. For those familiar it should be avoided , but for the huffaz , I say it MUST be shunned and abandoned. Nutritional very greatly influence the memory and hearts of A- Quran memorizer .


Waste of time and talk frivolity . This is not langsungsaya associate with aspects of time (to be discussed later)

The Word of God : " For the sake of time. Verily Man is in loss "

seventh :

Ber'couple ' , swings, air ' sms ' extreme and adultery.

eighth :

Drinking alcohol , drugs and smoking are stuck with . I love that SMOKING IS PROHIBITED list especially for the memorizer of the Quran. If not you should be ashamed when memorizing verses from the Quran that reads:

" And do not throw yourselves into destruction "

Also the word of God :

" And He ( Allah ) made ​​lawful to you all the good da forbidden you all that bad"

For those who are aware and trying to quit , and congratulations . For those who refuse and resist this statement , think and meditate on . I'm just sharing.


Rude or less manners of the Qur'an . I explicitly touch on problems manners . I myself was a pretty taboo bring Qur'an below the waist , placing the Quran on the floor, stretched his legs towards the Quran and Quran leave open without read.

These are just some of the manners and taboos is my duty , God willing. If you do not respect the Quran , how could the Quran will stick in your heart ?

tenth :

Switch Mushaf Al -Quran , Quran classes , Quran teacher and a seat in the Quran classes without reasonable cause. As much as possible try to avoid . These are some of the taboos that often my message and my very alert. Manuscripts Istiqamahlah with ONE , ONE TEACHER , ONE and ONE eyecare SEATS .

Order my teacher once , rather than once swapped seats , it may be time to lose the Angel of mercy mercy to our seats . What a shame if we swapped seats often unreasonably. I am therefore very steadfast with seating and tables of my own. Alhamdulillah awake.

eleventh :

Masturbation ( masturbation ) . Apart from the legal ban on Fiqh , there is also a study of the effects of physician associate masturbation with ' violence ' and ' darkness ' hearts . The effect of the perpetrator would be forbidden addiction , difficult to accept the advice and warnings as well as lengthening of the mercy of God. As negative as this element is to be avoided , especially for those who want to learn , learn and memorize the Quran .

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